Before I start the girl blanket I'm going to try and finish the 'just-in-case-it's-a-boy' blanket that I started. The blanket I went with for the boy pick is the Maude Honeycomb Blanket by Kristen Rengren out of the Vintage Baby Knits book.

Here's a close up shot of my progress. I love the retro feel of this pattern. It's also a surprisingly simple knit. The cool blue and dark gray look great together, don't you think?
I didn't "vote" but option 3 was my fav, too. And, um, yes please on the gray/blue combo in the honeycomb blanket! BEAUTIFUL.
Option #3 will look beautiful! I love the baby boy blanket you are making! It's the first time I see it. How original!
The blue and gray do look good together. I love the pattern. It's going to be a beautiful blanket. :)
The blanket is just gorgeous. I'm curious, what does the back look like? Are you carrying the yarn across the back? Could you please post a picture of how that looks?
The honeycomb blankey looks gorgeous!
yay option #3!
this blanket is lovely and the color combo is perfect even for a little girl.
i favorited your girl pattern in your last post and now just favorited the boy blanket. just love them both!
What I find kind of funny about this is that I am knitting the exact same blankets for my baby that's due in December - and we aren't finding out the sex either! Happy knitting!
i love that honeycomb blanket! great color choices! and while I was on Color #4 team, I really do like what you chose! can't wait to see it knit up!! :-)
I love that color combo! I would use that blanket for a girl, too, but I tend to like non-girly colors. Just to spite me, M keeps asking for pink things. LOL!
I really, really love this!
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