Sooooo, I can't just pick 3 names - let's make it 6!
Here are the winners:
Cetta said...
I did a double-take when I saw them and it took me a minute to realize, "Hey! I read her blog!"
Congratulations :)
The Dukes Family said...
Congratulations! I love your blog and check it daily for inspiration. Love those tags ... hope I win but if not, I'll have to order some for my handmade goodies.
Sarah said...
Congratulations! What a thrill~ and what a great idea. Off to checkout your shop.
That issue of Knitscene is great. There are several things in there I would love to knit. The scarf you mentioned being one of them.
Carrie S. said...
Wheeeeee! How awesome is that! Congratulations! I'm going to Border's today and I will search that mag out and make it mine, darn it! ;)
Heather said…
Didn't see the magazine...but just want to send you congrats!! That is awesome!
Ashley said… Jill, that is great! I love showing your work off to my friends and boasting that I once worked with you at Lily Lane :) I was just hired at A Piece of Ewe and start this Thursday! Look for me on Tuesdays, Fridays, and some Saturdays.
Congratulations to the winners! (if you didn't get picked, don't worry, I have lots of giveaways!)
If your name is listed please email me at knitterella@knitterella.com with your address and let me know what type of Knitterella Gift Tags you want - Knit or Crochet.
What? I won???? What a treat! Thank you!
Holy cow! I won?! Yay!
Y'know, I used to see these tags and your gift cards around the place, yet didn't make the connection! They're beautiful.
Of course you're a celebrity -- you've signed autographs, right? ;)
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