I know you can probably figure out how to make one on your own BUT in case you are interested I did take photos of my progress and will attempt to illustrate a tutorial for you on this Touchy-Feely Blankie later this week.
P.S. Hey All, do you think I should not post a tutorial on how I made this? Would that be infringement or something on those that invented Taggies? (you know I have strong feelings about that) Tell me honestly what you think. I don't mind either way - I'm not selling these, just making for gifts.
I didn't know they made heart shaped minkey fabric. That is a great gift set. But don't you wish you were one step ahead of those ladies who started marketing Taggies?
So cute!! I should sew one up for ds3 -- he'd probably still love the 'tag's...
oh my gosh! that blanket is just the best. the whole gift. lucky lucky friends you have!
Did you invent that pattern, or can I find it somewhere? I love the simple style.
Well, I've seen these Taggie Blankets all over, especially on Etsy - search 'taggie blanket' on Etsy and they are allover the place. I don't know, I guess I did make up my own pattern but the idea isn't mine…
This is how I did it:
I cut out 2, 14.5 inch square pieces of fabric (I was able to get 4 squares, so 2 full blankets out of a 1/4 yard of fabric), cut 16, 5" strips of ribbon. Flood the ribbon in half, pin the folded ribbon in place. Sandwiched them in the fabric squares. Sew it. Flipped it inside out and top stitched all the way around. It's really easy and pretty quick!
Well, as a writer, I'm generally pretty tough about copyright infringement, but when it comes to creating an object (read: using a set pattern or idea and running with it in your own way) I think that makes it your own... I think I feel that way because, well, every word has already been written, yet the way in which you ARRANGE them is what makes them different. Example: The lady doth protest too much, me thinks - Shakespeare. Me thinks thou doth protest too much - The Muppet Show, Miss Piggy.
Long story short, I think you can publish the tutorial and call it yours because it's specific to YOUR unique blanket. I wouldn't call it a Taggie blanket though, that might be a trademark issue.
That's also why I have no qualms about using a pattern as a jumping off point for my own creations and labeling them (and selling them) as mine. I do try to give credit where credit is due though (ie- "Based off a pattern from The Happy Hooker" or whatever).
Wow, that was long. :) Anyway, cute set! I think the hearts on the blanket really add a special touch.
My grand daughter has one of these taggie blankets someone made for her. I didn't know about them until I saw her's and have been planning to make some for gifts since then. Thanks for added inspiration.
Hook & Needle - I really appreciate you expertise on the subject. It's all so tricky isn't it!
What a cute set!
I agree with Hook & Needle. I think you can publish the tutorial because this blanket is something you created...even if the original idea wasn't yours :)
i love this blanket...it is really lovely! i hope you do publish a tutorial/pattern/whatever because i would absolutely try to make it myself.
Darling gift! I don't think there is any problem posting a tutorial on how you made it since you are not trying to profit from it.
Oh, and I love your frame on the picture ;)
Cute set! I don't think a tutorial would be an issue. You saw the 'idea' and made up your own and maybe you sewed yours together differently than the 'original'. Selling this as a pattern would be a very gray area to me, that's personally profiting from someone else's creation. Much different.
I've never heard of taggies, but I would think if you showed us how you did yours it would be ok, you aren't trying to say it's all your own idea, but just showing us your own creation. (imo).
What a great gift! I think, as has been said, as long as you don't plagiarize a pattern, you are good to go!
Sorry, I should've been more specific ... I actually wondered if you invented the hat pattern ... I love it.
LJ & LK were both given hand-sewn taggies at birth. At about 4 months they absolutely LOVED them. So, I ended up searching for the actual Taggie company and bought a Taggie ball as well as Taggie book. They seem super simple to make...if you know how to sew! I am not sure what the other side looks like, but ours have differing sides of fleece. I love the gift set!!!
What a great gift! The hat design is yours? That didn't take long!
I have no idea about the taggie blanket issue, but hook & needle's comment makes a lot of sense to me.
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