SOOOOO freakin' frustrating! The sample I got from the tin manufacture (whom I could link to here but I won't) was a perfect fit and perfect look, PERFECT! So of course I ordered them but once my big order of tins came in the lids didn't fit, won't even stay on the base - sooo not what the sample they sent was - and there is no way I could produce and sell something knowing that it's faulty. I was just picturing someone buying this and tossing it in there crafting bag, the lid falling off and all the contents spilling out everywhere - I'd be pissed. BUT now I don't know what the heck to do. I already paid for the labels for the tins and will now have to eat that cost as I look for another way to package my product. GGgggrrrrrrr!!!!
I'm just dying to show you my new product too but it's going to have to wait until I can figure this out… so frustrating! So I guess this is 'to-be-continued' for now…
…hey, thanks for listening.
My sister does a lot of packaging for her products, do you want me to ask her if she knows of a source for tin containers?? You can PM on Ravelry if you would like.
Wait a minute - you ordered a product based on a sample they provided but the product they sent doesn't live up to the sample - I'd scream refund!!
Sucks totally!
I would also demand a refund or do-over!
How disappointing and frustrating! You sneal peak looks lovely - hope you manage to source a better packaging supplier soon...Love Max's stripey jumper - too cute.
I think you should speak with the manufacturer - it sounds faulty to me! They should rectify the problem or refund your money.
so sorry, jill.
hope you get it worked out soon.
i am dying to see what it is!!! :)
Oh. That's so rotten! Hope it is settled soon.
Definately contact the vendor where you ordered the tins and complain. They owe you a refund. Don't accept anything less! You shouldn't have to accept shoddy merchandise. I have worked Customer Service in the past and you wouldn't believe what people complain about. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets what they want.
That really sucks! So sorry.
I wanted to let you know I saw some of your cute products recently at a yarn store. Very cute.
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